Unconventional Allies Reunited: Liberal Hawks and Neoconservatives at the Turn of the Century


  • Peter Just




The paper argues that liberal hawks and neoconservatives formed an at first glance unconventional alliance during several international conflicts after the end of the Cold War. An analysis of the respective histories of the two schools of thought shows though that the cooperation is actually rooted in common origins and various similarities in their ideologies.

Author Biography

  • Peter Just
    Peter Just is a doctoral student at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. In 2009, he received his Magister Artium degree in American Studies, Psychology and Economic Geography from the LMU. His PhD project focuses on conflicts between military officials and high ranking civilian advisers in the Pentagon after the end of the Cold War. Peter Just published articles and gave talks in the fields of US Foreign Policy, African American Studies and Game Studies.





How to Cite

“Unconventional Allies Reunited: Liberal Hawks and Neoconservatives at the Turn of the Century”. Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies, vol. 11, Mar. 2012, https://doi.org/10.5283/copas.130.