Virtual Commuters? The American Transnational Academic Exchangee


  • Wolfgang Niehues



International student exchange in times of globalization faces numerous challenges. The Internet - making the world shrink to a global village - is often named one of them. How does the Internet affect the daily lives of American exchange students in Germany. Do they become virtual commuters?

Author Biography

Wolfgang Niehues

CVWolfgang Niehues studied German, English, and American studies at Universität Dortmund and Oglethorpe University, Atlanta GA and graduated with the Erstes Staatsexamen. He is currently working on his dissertation project named "Something to e-mail home about: deutsch-amerikanischer Studierendenaustausch im Zeitalter des Internets" for which he was granted a scholarship of the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung within the Promotionskolleg Wissenschmanagement und Selbstorganisation im Kontext hochschulischer Lehr- und Lernkontexte. His main focus of research is academic exchange, the Internet/new media, popular culture, and cultural studies.


How to Cite

Niehues, Wolfgang. “Virtual Commuters? The American Transnational Academic Exchangee”. Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies, vol. 7, Mar. 2012, doi:10.5283/copas.90.




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